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Immigrant Visa Interview for Nurses: Questions to Prepare for - PRS Global

Written by Kara Murphy | Dec 29, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Immigrant Visa Interview for Nurses: Questions to Prepare for

The US government has opened its arms for immigrants to take a shot at the American dream. However, precautions still have to be taken to ensure that those coming into the country have a specific purpose and the means to live by it.

That is why the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) always conducts an immigrant visa interview through consulates of different countries. These interviews are critical so that only those with defined intentions to relocate to the US, plus the capacity to keep up with the demands of living abroad, are the only ones who will receive the immigrant visa.

You may have gone through many interviews already, and the immigrant visa interview for nurses will only be one of them. But this does not mean that feelings of anxiety and doubt on how the process will turn out won’t haunt you. The first thing to remember is, like with any interviews, preparation and confidence are key. Knowing what to say is linked with mastering how to tell them. So just as with your college application or job interview question, the usual steps before facing your interviewer still count.

The next few tenets of information about the immigrant visa interview for nurses can help you stay calm during the actual interview. These inputs are designed for you to have a general idea of what the immigrant visa interview for nurses truly is and what acing it entails. Below are also sample questions the interviewer might throw at you, preparing you ahead.

With the right mindset on what the interview entails and the correct attitude in answering questions, you’ll be saying hello to your new home country in no time.

You will be asked mostly about things you already know.

Sounds surprising? The truth of the matter is that your immigration interview is mostly for confirmation of your submitted information. With the entire process of your application to relocate to the US as a nurse, you must already know: who your employer is, where you will be working, how long you intend to stay, and so on. Chances are you’ve gone through these pieces of information numerous times and may have memorized them like the back of your hand.

You will receive an EB-3 interview notice from the USCIS. An EB3 immigration qualification represents a skilled worker open to serving foreign nationals and has received a job offer in the US. By this time, you are at the tail end of your application, and the interview is near assurance to seal the deal of your US trip.

Failing your immigrant visa interview for nurses is slim to none. The only reason for a potential immigrant not to push through with the process is a past felony. If the USCIS did not give a passing mark to the visa applicant during the interview, it could be because they find the information to be either lacking or insubstantial. Cooperate with them as they ask for more information so that your immigrations details will be ironed out soon.

But of course, don’t focus on the possibility of failing or prolonging your application process. With proper preparation of key information about your US relocation, you can pass the interview with flying colors.

Sort out your employment details.

Your interviewer will be keen on getting to know the background of your nursing endeavor in the US. Being called for the EB3 immigrant visa interview means you are already employed and on your way to being part of a specific healthcare facility’s workforce. However, it pays for you to be well-informed of the company you will be working for and details of your stay there as a medical practitioner. Think of your interview as protection from being hired by sketchy entities who may be bogus companies or scam artists.

Ask the following question to yourself and see if you can answer them readily. If not, some additional review on whom you will work for might come in handy come interview day.

  • How were you contacted by the company you will be working for?

  • What steps did you take to apply for the job?

  • When was this US company founded?

  • What is the employee size of this company?

  • What will be your responsibilities once your contract with that company starts?

  • How can you tell that a legitimate company has hired you?

  • Why would you like to work for this specific company?


Gauge how prepared you are for living in the US.

Relocating to a new company is no easy feat. The USCIS will be particular with your preparations to adjust well to a new environment alongside performing your duties as a medical professional. Before applying to be an immigrant nurse, you must have taken some time to reflect on what it will take you to accept your new environment and do your best as a practitioner. Bring this preparation process to your immigrant visa interview as well to show you are ready to move in.

Take some time to understand these questions:

  • Why do you want to work in the United States, of all countries?

  • Have you lived in other countries? Which ones?

  • Do you have family or friends you can reach out to in the US?

  • Where will you be staying once you arrive in the US?

  • Who is handling expenditures for your trip to America?

  • How familiar are you with the cost of living in the area/state you will be staying in the US?

  • What steps will you take to survive your first few months in the US?

  • Do you intend to stay in the US as a nurse for a long time? Why or why not?

  • Do you still plan to return to your home country? Why or why not?

Have you considered asking for the help of a staffing firm for nurses?

The immigrant visa interview is only one of the many steps you have to take to secure a place in the US as an immigrant nurse. Looking for a place to stay, taking the licensure exam, assimilating to a new work and living environment: all these and more are requirements to make your shift into the American workforce a valid and sensible one. In this regard, staffing firms are fantastic means to make the process easier for you.

But for nurses like you, be assured that you will get the best assistance by approaching PRS Global, the number 1 staffing firm for nurses across the globe. PRS Global knows what it takes to cater to the US’ demand for highly skilled nurses and create a workforce with international backgrounds. In addition, as a potential immigrant nurse, PRS Global will help you secure a company to work for, sort out relocation concerns such as moving and housing, and get support in adjusting to a new life.

With PRS Global, the immigrant visa interview for nurses is the least of your worries. Contact them now.