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Cost-Efficient Staffing: PRS Global Helps Simplify the Hiring and Immigration Process for Employers  - PRS Global

Written by Kara Murphy | Nov 15, 2023 5:00:00 AM

American facilities need more nurses to care for their growing number of patients. You can trust PRS Global to help you address this workforce deficit.  

This article highlights why PRS Global is your ultimate healthcare staffing partner when sourcing foreign-educated nurses. We also look at the challenges of the U.S. immigration process and the importance of having a knowledgeable and supportive staffing partner by your side. 

Trust PRS Global to care for your staffing needs and enable you to concentrate on the critical aspects of running your healthcare facilities. 


The Need for Foreign Nurses in the U.S. 

The nursing workforce is having a hard time with their growing workloads and their colleagues leaving. The latest McKinsey survey found that 31 percent of nurses still want to leave their direct patient care role in the following year.  

Two of the reasons that influenced this decision include a No Work-Life lance of 51 percent and Unmanageable Workload of 46 percent. ¹ The key to helping these U.S. nurses is to find more hands to hire from outside the country. 

In 2022, the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) received an influx of applications, particularly the VisaScreen Service (VS) applications, from 116 countries. This year witnessed a substantial increase of 44 percent compared to the previous year. Remarkably, over 80 percent of these VS applications came from registered nurses (RNs), the majority of whom held baccalaureate nursing degrees or even higher qualifications.

Notably, the Philippines emerged as a prominent contributor to the influx of healthcare worker VS applications, constituting 60 percent of the total. Additionally, it is noteworthy that 70 percent of applicants preferred permanent employment-based green cards over other types of visas.² This indicates a strong desire for long-term commitment to the U.S. healthcare system. 

Related Reading: The US Nurse Staffing Shortage in 2023 and Beyond 


Trust PRS Global to Bring You the Best Global Nurses 

If you are looking for a staffing partner, you must seek one specializing in healthcare. This can make hiring overseas easier for you because they know where to find the best candidate you would need. Here are some reasons to choose PRS Global as your staffing partner. 


We find high-quality nurses for you. 

Finding high-quality nursing candidates can be challenging, especially when searching for them overseas. we specialize in ensuring that the nurses we select are the right fit for your organization and possess the adaptability necessary to integrate into your American healthcare facilities seamlessly. We achieve this through a rigorous evaluation process based on three fundamental requirements. 

Our nurses never embark on this journey alone; we provide unwavering support and guidance at every step. Our team is dedicated to offering hands-on assistance, steering them through the complexities of obtaining licensure, and navigating the intricate visa acquisition process. Rest assured, we are committed to streamlining every aspect of the journey for your nurses, making it as straightforward as possible. 


The nurses have a nursing degree from their home country. 

We ensure they have the basic qualifications through their college degree and nursing licenses. This is the first step we take. 


The nurses have passed an English language proficiency exam. 

Nurses must pass an English language proficiency exam, which is vital for error-free work and patient care in English-speaking U.S. facilities. 

Our candidates are strongly encouraged to undertake recognized language proficiency examinations such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).  

This rigorous evaluation guarantees language standards are met, ensuring top-notch patient care and satisfaction in your facilities. 


They have passed the NCLEX examinations. 

The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a crucial milestone in the journey of foreign-educated nurses. It demonstrates their ability to meet stringent standards of practice in the United States. 

For foreign-educated nurses, the NCLEX examination can be particularly challenging, as it necessitates navigating the intricacies of the specific requirements set by their chosen state. The application process for this examination varies in duration, spanning from two to eight months, dependent upon the particular state’s requirements and procedures. 

According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the Year-to-Date (YTD) total passing rate for First-time, Internationally Educated candidates in 2023 stands at 46.03 percent.³  

This impressive pass rate underscores our international nurses’ adaptability and readiness to meet your healthcare facility’s demands. Their successful completion of the NCLEX examination is a compelling testament to their ability to integrate seamlessly into your workforce and address your facility’s unique needs. 


They have accomplished their Visa Screening and CGFNS Qualifying Exam. 

Immigrant nurses undergo visa screening and the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) Qualifying Exam. This exam will determine if a nurse is ready to receive their visa and work as an immigrant nurse with their U.S. employer.  

With their U.S. employer’s support, they apply for an EB3 visa. This includes engaging with the CGFNS to obtain a VisaScreen certificate and verify their eligibility for U.S. healthcare roles. After submitting the required documents and fees, they have an interview at the National Visa Center and upon clearance, receive their immigration visa. 


We can help you provide better patient care by hiring international nurses. 

Once nurses have passed their required tests, they will search for jobs in hospitals and other healthcare facilities within the NCLEX state they took an exam for. As a U.S. employer, you will then give them the proper endorsement for immigration to get them an EB3 visa. This visa can allow them to work and live in the U.S. permanently. 

In 2018, the Pew Research Center surveyed people from 18 countries, and 59 percent of U.S. respondents believe that immigrants make the country stronger due to the talents they contribute and the work they do.⁴ 

Hiring diversely can benefit your workforce. This is because it enhances critical thinking and creativity among your members through their sharing of diverse perspectives. This can also lead to better patient results when care providers understand their unique views on the medications they are taking and procedures they are going through. 

PRS Global hires nurses from around the globe, including the Philippines. We focus on countries with plenty of qualified labor to ensure we find you as many nurses as you need. 


Our direct placements are more affordable. 

Other agencies may charge you high hourly rates or continued residuals for nurses who aren’t permanently employed under you. With PRS Global, you can save more as you only have to pay a one-time placement fee per qualified RN we bring you. 

What’s great is that they will be hired directly under your organization. You no longer have to consider renewing expiring contracts and other hassles that may come with temporary placements. 


You can hire plenty and fast through us. 

Hiring overseas nurses can be time-consuming compared to managing current teams at your facilities. You have to make sure each person meets immigration requirements while you also hire other nurses. 

PRS Global can take away this hassle for you. Trust us to source the best nurses for you in as fast as 9 months. You can also drastically increase your pipeline numbers by hiring up to 100 nurses monthly.  


PRS Global understands your facility’s needs. 

At PRS Global, we comprehend your facility’s unique needs. Nurses like Lorlie Faith Gardose and Manilyn Villafuerte Musico have experienced exceptional support on their journey to living and working in the USA. 

Lorlie wholeheartedly recommends PRS Global, citing our remarkable efficiency, meticulous attention to detail, and guidance on everyday matters like grocery shopping. Meanwhile, Manilyn was amazed at the incredible support she received, and she arrived in Pennsylvania with her family in just 11 months. PRS Global’s expedited processes, including premium visa processing, made her American dream possible. 

Our commitment to efficiently process nurses from around the globe ensures they can seamlessly adapt to your requirements, provide top-tier patient care, and collaborate effectively with your existing teams, just as Lorlie and Manilyn have experienced firsthand. 

Related Reading: The PRS Advantage: Your Path to Sustainable Healthcare Staffing 



Your facility’s need for skilled nurses is our top priority. At PRS Global we connect you with top-notch nursing talent from around the world quickly and efficiently. Let’s make the dreams of global nurses come true in your American facilities through direct hiring. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services. 



1 “Nursing in 2023: How Hospitals Are Confronting Shortages.” McKinsey & Company, 5 May 2023,

2 “CGFNS NURSE MIGRATION REPORT 2022: Trends in Healthcare Migration to the United States.” CGFNS, Accessed 14 Sept. 2023. 

3 “2023 NCLEX Pass Rates.” NCSBN, Accessed 14 Sept. 2023. 

4 Gonzales-Barrera, Ana, and Phillip Connor. “Around the World, More Say Immigrants Are a Strength Than a Burden.” Pew Research Center, 14 Mar. 2019,